School Education
Our schools education program is currently working with primary school children from Craignish, Ardrishaig, Easdale, Rhunahaorine, Achahoish, Kilmartin and the Lochgilphead Cubs. Activities include learning about all the marine creatures living in our purpose-built oyster hoisters, measuring native oyster growth and collecting other important data. These popular school-trips will continue throughout 2025 and we expect around 250 children to be involved.
Seawilding also runs a youth group for children who live on Craignish peninsula - click here to find out more
If you're from a school that wishes to get involved with our education program then please contact our delivery partners directly - Heart of Argyll Wildlife Organisation:
Tel: 07827 965010 or 07932 680521
The “Oyster Hoister" is designed to hang under marina pontoons. Each hoister houses approx. 100 juvenile native oysters and because a mature oyster can filter up to 200 litres a day, the oysters clean the marina water as well as releasing “spat” (oyster larvae) into the water column. The hoisters are sponsored by local boat-owners and businesses and provide a fabulous opportunity for local schoolchildren to conduct “citizen science” with our partners, Heart of Argyll Wildlife Organisation.