Who we are
Seawilding is a Scottish Charity actively working to restore degraded inshore marine habitats. Our primary project, funded by the National Lottery, is to restore the native oyster beds once widespread at Loch Craignish, Argyll. By doing this, we will improve water quality and enhance biodiversity and address the degradation of the loch caused by scallop dredging, fish farm activity and anchoring and effluent from recreational boating. This is an exciting, pioneering community-led project involving many volunteers, school pupils, the Ardfern Yacht Centre, and academic institutions.
Danny Renton
Founding Director
William Goudy
Project Manager
The project has partnered with Heart of Argyll Wildlife Organisation, a local environmental charity, to deliver on-site citizen science to five primary schools using mature native oysters suspended in cages from pontoons suspended at the Ardfern Yacht Centre. Meanwhile students from the the Scottish Association of Marine Sciences (SAMS) and the School of Aquaculture, Stirling University will research, monitor and survey our restoration efforts.
We rely on volunteer help and work closely with CROMACH (Craignish Restoration of Marine and Coastal Habitats) and their seventy-five members. We are very grateful for the help of all our volunteers.
We are keen to help and advise any other coastal community with similar marine habitat restoration projects in mind.